Capacity Building & Transition Planning
Recent Articles & Publications
Articles by Mindy Lubar Price
Portal Visitors [doc]: Guest column by Mindy Lubar Price posted on the Nonprofit Portal of Greater Milwaukee in response to questions concerning finding job listings in the nonprofit sector.
Fund Development [doc]: to access an article that Mindy Lubar Price co-authored with CPA Dan Brophey on energizing fund development.
Succession Planning and Sustainability in Nonprofit Organizations [doc] by Mindy Lubar Price
Emergency Succession Planning for Nonprofit Organizations [PDF] by Mindy Lubar Price
Other Publications
9 Habits Of Highly Emotionally Intelligent People, Dr. Travis Bradberry, The Huffington Post
Gearing Up and (Teaming Up) for a Leadership Transition, By Susan M. Poglinco, PhD and Priscilla Rosenwald, MS, Blue Avocado
Executive Transition: The Role of Board Diversity, Youth, and Zombies, By Guest Blogger, Maine Association of Nonprofits
Cultivating Nonprofit Leadership: A Missed Philanthropic Opportunity [PDF], By Niki Jagpol and Ryan Schlegel, National Committee for Responsive Technology, 2016
Fundraising Bright Spots: Strategies and Inspiration from Social Change Organizations Raising Money from Individual Donors, By Jeanne Bell and Kim Klein, Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund
Beyond Fundraising: What Does it Mean to Create a Culture of Philanthropy?, By Cynthia M. Gibson, Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund
Top Ten Reasons to Invest in Nonprofit Talent [PDF], by
Nonprofit Sector Leadership Report 2016 [PDF], by Concord Leadership Group
Measuring the ROI of Human Capital Management by James Shepard, CEO and Co-founder, AchieveMission. March 2014
Leadership Guide- Building and Sustaining Leader-Full Organizations! by Transition Guides. July 2008
The Nonprofit Workforce Crisis: Real or Imagined? by Lester M. Salamon and Stephanie Lessans Geller, Johns Hopkins University, 2007
GRANTCRAFT GUIDE – Executive Transitions by
Even for seasoned funders, supporting leadership transitions can be a tricky business. Where is the fine line between helping and intruding? What interventions work? And how can a grant maker play a constructive role? Learn how grant makers take up the transition challenge, engage with boards, support new CEOs, and help grantees use the moment to go in promising new directions.
Succeeding with Succession from The Bridgespan Group
Succession Planning: The Key to Long-Term Leadership Success from Open Hands