Executive Transition Toolkits

Toolkit | Monograph Series | Articles

Executive Transition InitiativeIn addition to the individual client service work that Leading Transitions performs, Mindy founded the Executive Transitions Initiative (ETI) in Wisconsin. This project was truly groundbreaking and very rare among other cities in the country.

Executive Transition is one issue that impacts every type of nonprofit, large or small, and with any type of mission. One of the primary goals of ETI was to create systemic change in nonprofits whereby executive leaders, boards of directors and funders value and support the importance of effective executive transition management (as opposed to the more limited search and hire approaches). There is no time more risky and uncertain than when a leader leaves without a succession plan. In fact, when nonprofit board members are interviewed about what they most dislike about their volunteer work, they most frequently cite fund raising and hiring an executive leader. What is often overlooked during executive change is the unique opportunity to build donor confidence in the organization, decrease board isolation, and transform the organization in preparation for the future.

Foundations have a vested interest in strengthening leadership and organizational capacity within Milwaukee’s nonprofit community to prepare for the upcoming wave of executive leader transitions. Executive transition management provides for more effective transitions in the short term and more successful organizations in the long term.

Executive Transition Initiative Succession Planning Toolkit

Executive Transition Initiative

1. Overview of Succession Planning (PDF)
2. Departure Defined Transition Toolkit (PDF)
3. Emergency Succession Planning Toolkit (PDF)
4. Strategic Leadership Development Toolkit (PDF)

Executive Transition Initiative Monograph Series

Executive Transition Initiative
Volume I
Capturing the Power of Leadership Change (PDF)
by Tom Adams, TransitionGuides

Executive Transition Initiative
Volume II
Interim Executive Directors, The Power in the Middle (PDF)
by Tim Wolfred, CompassPoint

Executive Transition Initiative
Volume III
Founder Transitions: Creating Good Endings and New Beginnings (PDF)
by Tom Adams, TransitionGuides

Executive Transition Initiative
Volume IV
Up Next: Generation Change and the Leadership of Nonprofit Organization (PDF)
by Frances Kunreuther, Building Movement Project

Executive Transition Initiative
Volume V
Stepping Up, Staying Engaged (PDF)
by Tom Adams, TransitionGuides

Executive Transition Initiative in the News

Executive Transition Initiative
Featured in the February 2006 edition of Milwaukee Magazine's Charitable Events Guide. (PDF)

Executive Transition Initiative
Featured in the February 2007 edition of Milwaukee Magazine's Charitable Events Guide. (PDF)

Explore a relationship with Leading Transitions today: 414.228.9860  |


Testimonial 1
"Although still early in our re-org process, it appears clear I owe you.

I’m certainly feeling much more optimistic regarding the opportunities that might be possible during this challenging time of transition. Thank you for your insights, connections, and support."
Testimonial 2
"Mindy, thank you so much. It has been such a pleasure to work with you. Thank you for your flexibility. I have so enjoyed working with the staff and our boards since I took the interim role. We are in a better place today and I am very appreciative of all of the work our staff has done to get us here. It is a wonderful job. I look forward to our future. Thanks again for everything."
Testimonial 3
"Mindy is a life changing human who is incredible
in this community."
Testimonial 4
I genuinely appreciated the time you gave me and the candid information you provided. It was very helpful and will hopefully help me make a more informed decision.
Testimonial 5
"Our conversation on Friday seriously helped me seal the deal with (the organization) and feel confident in how I went about doing it. And that was just an extension of your help about 2 weeks ago, preparing me for the interview. And this whole experience is an extension of our open, honest, insightful conversation 2 months ago as I began this journey. Thank you!"
Testimonial 6
"You have been amazing throughout this process and I want you
to know that you have made this a little easier
because you are so helpful."
Testimonial 7
"Thanks again for finding time in your event-filled schedule to meet with me. I appreciate and benefit from your insights and attention to my questions and concerns."
Testimonial 8
Thank you for your amazing guidance and leadership throughout our search process. You guided us every step of the way. You were so easy to reach and communicate with. I so enjoyed working with you."
Testimonial 9
"Can't even begin to thank you for the inclusion and your support during the selection process. Your encouragement made a huge difference."
Testimonial 10
"I hope our paths cross again, thank you for your kindness, wisdom, and inspirational guidance."
Testimonial 11
"Thanks, Mindy - It was WONDERFUL to spend some time with you - did my heart good! Your energy is always infectious. I really appreciated your time and advice as I navigate this last arc in my career work. You are inspiring and practical at the same time!"


"Many thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge and experience at today's executive transitions program. You did a terrific job leading the discussion and keeping the conversation flowing and focused."

Leading Transitions