Information for Job Seekers
Leading Transitions can be a useful asset in finding the right employment. We offer a variety of helpful resources below and regularly send out notices of available leadership positions for those who are on our private and confidential email list. Please explore the available opportunities we are currently facilitating.
Candidate Registry
Sign-up for our email updates to receive notifications of position openings. Position openings include those searches being conducted by Leading Transitions LLC as well as ones Leading Transitions is supporting but not necessarily facilitating.
Resources for Job Seekers
Student Guide to Resumes for Nonprofit Jobs and Careers, By Carolyn Kleiman, Professional Resume Writer
How Anyone Can Add Measurable Accomplishments to a Resume, by Kate Rodriguez on
Nonprofit Workforce Shortages: A Crisis That Affects Everyone, Posted By National Council of Nonprofits
Student Guide to Resumes for Nonprofit Jobs and Careers, By Carolyn Kleiman
2023 Guide to Nonprofit Jobs & Careers [Complete Guide], By Andrei Kurtuy
Nonprofit Executive Pay and the Sensitivities of Communities, By Jeanne Allen and Ruth McCambridge on Nonprofit Quarterly
Self-Exploration: The First Step in the Job Search, Posted by The Bridgespan Group
Secrets to a Happy Fundraising Career (and a Sane One Too), By Sarah Beaulieu
Organizations with Great Resources
Amazing If is an award-winning company with a mission to make squiggly careers better for everyone.
CoGenerate brings older and younger people together to solve problems, bridge divides and co-create the future.